Saturday, May 17, 2008

I've Become One of THOSE People

It's no secret to anyone who has known me longer than 30 seconds that I'm loud. I admittedly talk way too much, everyone always knows my opinions whether they want to or not, and I can whistle like a 400-pound man. When you put all of those things together, it's a recipe for disaster at the baseball fields.

I'm been SO PROUD of Levi lately with his baseball. He's much more of a willing participant these days, and here lately he's really been trying his best. He got a couple of singles, a double and got to run home several times this morning at his games. And even though I complain incessantly about his practices, they are really helping him. He has improved so much since we started back in March. So, kudos to the super serious coaches for that.

That said, today he got a good hit down the 3rd base line, ran to first, touched the plate and ran right past it like you can do on first base. I'm still in the process of jumping up and down and screaming when I look over to see the ump make the out sign with his arm. I, of course, wasn't using my self-editor at this point, so in the middle of everything, I stop cheering and scream out in my loud, carrying voice, "WHAT? He was clearly safe!"

Oh, no. I've done it. I've become one of those people. The kind of people that get all caught up in a kids game and scream at the one helpless ump making $7.50 an hour. What has become of me? Even I was embarrassed that I had succumb to the pressures of competitive play, but before I crawled under the bleachers to hide until the humiliation blew over, I pulled myself together and went to congratulate Levi on his great hit. I've got to get ahold of myself before our next game.

Also today we learned about the "competitive tournament" that will be in late June. Any player from the league can sign up to play in this extra $30, 4-day tournament. There don't promise any playing time, which in Heather language translates to the best players will play and the others, well they won't. I dare someone to ask me if we'll be signing up for that one :)


Carin said...

OMGOSH! You are cracking me up! Yes, rule number one: when at the ball park know what you're yelling about BEFORE you voice you're opinion. Thank goodness Marty wasn't there, you know he would have said something to you! LOL!! Too funny! We missed you at Friday nights game. We came to watch Brock, Mike's son play. I looked for you......but guess you took that night off?? LOL!!

The Harris Family said...

One of THOSE people, huh? That's okay, I grew up at the ball park watching my brothers play and I did some yelling myself.