Saturday, August 30, 2008

Where the heck am I?

I just returned from my baby sister's house. She is doing much, much better, so thanks to everyone who has been praying for her and to everyone who has asked me about her. It was about a 6-hour trip one way, and what a trip it was.

The drive, was...well...atrocious. Ken convinced me to try his "shortcut" that he promised would save me at least 20 minutes. I don't think I'll be going that way again, as I didn't see another human being for miles and miles. I didn't have any cell phone service either, so it was just me and the CD player. I memorized every word to every song on every single CD I brought along. I've been singing to Ken non-stop ever since I got home, so he is, of course, thoroughly impressed with my memorization skills :)

I think I was able to help out a little. Luckily for me, Mindy was drugged up on some super serious painkillers, but I'm sure she'll either confirm or negate that statement when she comes down off of her high. Anywho, she can't lift over 5 pounds, so it was either me or the mother-in-law. Guess I won. I did stock up on her leftover feminine products, though, so I guess I can't complain too much.

The town where she lives is about 3,000 people (OK, Matt, 3,267 people...sorry). They have a McDonald's, a grocery store, and the world's smallest Divison 1 Wal-Mart I've ever seen. A tour of the town took about 7 minutes. We did manage to go to Jonesboro one day, which was about an hour away, but as my luck would have it, we had a flat tire on the way home.

Now I know we all have our talents and gifts, but let's just say that changing tires is NOT one of mine. Mindy was pretty much helpless, so I knew I was either going to have to show some major cleavage or figure this thing out on my own. Fortunately for everyone, I didn't have to do either as a nice, older gentleman stopped very quickly to help us. Seriously, though, I was very grateful for him. I'm sure it would have taken me light years to figure it out on my own.

On a lighter note, I had a great 33rd birthday yesterday. The kids gave me my presents yesterday morning, and Kirk and Amanda came over last night bearing Guitar Hero Aerosmith for the Wii. SHUT-UP! It is so much fun and gets me as close to a rock star as I'll EVER be. Great birthday...even if I'm getting way old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt wanted me to correct you, Corning has 3,567 people. Anyway, you did help me a lot and I was pretty high on the best pain pills in the world. Thanks for offering to have my baby (which will never happen) and taking care of Noah and me post-surgery. We couldn't have done it without you.