Ah, the infamous chicken sandwich. Wait, let me be more specific...the TYSON chicken sandwich. It's been overlooked in recent years, but it's gaining huge popularity in our house. It's easy to fix, it tastes great, and it's reasonably priced at the Tyson Employee Store. And after a day like today, it made a phenomenal supper.
Today was the 50th Wedding Anniversary party I've been planning the past few weeks. There was lots to do, but I think it turned out to be a smashing success, if I do say so myself. When you put blanket invitations in the newspaper and throughout the entire church, it's hard to know exactly how many people to plan for. And even though we ran out of punch, plates, and just about ran out of cake, it was overall a great and hopefully memorable day for my friends. Besides, Jeanette promises to help at my 50th wedding anniversary party. She'll be a mere 108 years old in 2047.
Apparently the thought of 50 years married to the same person is hard for a lot of people (not just me, I guess) to grasp. I learned today that some of my friends have been married 3 and even 4 times. One of them even accused me of being a "vengeful wife" if scorned. Wow. Can't say that didn't hurt. I hate it when someone I've only known a few weeks has such a good grasp of my bitchy side and has the guts to say it to my face. But I learned a long time ago that if I'm gonna dish it out, I gotta be able to take it in as well. So, touché; you get a point for that one.
So, a martini and a chicken sandwich later, and I'm done.
Oh yes, and on Tuesday night I'm be attending an "appreciation dinner" at Noodles with all the Tyson folk. A night out with a group of accountants isn't exactly at the top of my list, but at least I won't have to cook, or talk much for that matter. At the last function I went to, I tried to make small talk with the guy sitting next to me. Hmmm, I thought. Everyone watches TV, right? WRONG. Apparently this guy only watches National Geographic and Animal Planet. Great. What about Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives...House Hunters...Washington County Drug Court....ANYTHING? Needless to say, I didn't have much else to say to him the rest of the night. It's not like I can make idol chit chat about whole numbers or the periodic table. I mean, come on, work with me here :)
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